
EC Aftermath

As promised I will post some more thoughts when the impressions has settled in my busy brain.

  • None of the three different decks I played during the three tournaments contained a single combat card. I’m almost ashamed of that and promise I’ll better myself.
  • There were quite a few decks playing for 0.5 Victory Points played. Of course none of the players behind them aimed for timing out and claiming 0.5 VPs but that is the reality for some decks in most their games. I am mainly talking about wall decks that can block Predator’s every action but put little or no pressure on Prey. If they field Smiling Jack the don’t have enough blocking capabilities to defend it from the whole table. I am actually toying with a rule change suggestion here removing 0.5 VP as a result and convert that to 0 VP instead. 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 should still be valid results but making people that can’t oust do their most to stay in the game to gain their half point I believe is bad for the game. This is not fully thought trough so there is probably effects I have overseen.
  • The V:tES community is great. I had lots of fun with very nice people. I’ll do it again if real life allows.
  • I made some nice trades and purchases. I have never thought I would build a Derange-deck since I didn’t own a single copy of the card but somehow I brought 5 copies home. I don’t know what to do with them yet but I’ll figure something out.
  • Polish pizza is the best in the world. Yes – you read it. The pizza at The local pizza place was simply perfect for a hungry knickedick between games.

I have started a giant sorting project of all my cards inspired by Adam’s and Kevin’s reasoning in this thread on the V:EKN forum and I have bought the Super Monster Boxes recommended by Boris the Blade in the same thread. I have started the work sorting my crypt alphabetically and will at the same time enter them into ARDB as my crypt inventory got distorted after the last update. I then have the even harder work remaining sorting all library cards after card type and then alphabetically left. I’ll probably post you some pictures along the way.

Tomorrow its time for a local tournament and we are expecting between 10-15 people to show up and I feel its time for me to get my second entry in the TWDA so I will really try tomorrow. Event report to follow.

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